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Old 12-12-2005, 01:10 AM
jess128 jess128 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Edmonton (very north)
Posts: 134
jess128 is on a distinguished road
Unhappy LR and fish for sale

Hi everybody,
Wow, I havent been here in sooo long! I didnt want it to come to this and it took me ages to make the decision, but the fact is, I can't afford a reef aquarium at the moment and don't have time to take proper care of it. So I'm selling things, here's the list:

-60lbs of live fiji for $5/pound
-pair of perc clowns ($20 for the pair)
-yellow tang ($45)
-there should be an emerald crab in the tank somewhere, but I havent seen him for a while so dont count on it....

I will be keeping the tank and lighting incase I decide to try this again one day. Right now I'm just too busy trying to get through my last year of high school and figure out the rest of my life to pay proper attention to the tank. I'm pretty sad about leaving the hobby for a while but I think it's only fair to my little fishy friends that I find them a better home.

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