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Old 12-10-2005, 09:03 PM
psychedelic psychedelic is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 39
psychedelic is on a distinguished road
Default Any that eats grape caulerpa?

The caulerpa in my tank is great. I had some hair algae growing... and introduced some grape caulerpa to suck up all the nitrates... it cleared it up super quickly.

But now the opposite has happened... pieces of it broke off when i was pruning it...and now i have quite a few spots in my aquarium that is thriving with caulerpa. It's not taking over quite yet, but I want to nip the problem while it's still small.

The caulerpa has now been banished to a HOB refugium with a grating preventing it from spreading back into the main tank.

Any ideas what's good for eating grape caulerpa in a nano reef... mebbe even keeping a baby tang for a few months?

Here's my spec:
29 gallon
1 yellow assesor
1 mandarin dragonet
1 firefish

green star polyps
yellow polyps
coco worm
various sp. zooanthids
finger leather
finger leather
blue mushrooms
neon green clauvaria

Any help appreciated....
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