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Old 12-08-2005, 11:03 PM
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outtafocus outtafocus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 314
outtafocus is on a distinguished road

I am currently water testing a new addition to my tank set up.
My original plan was to build an external refugium. A whole seperate tank I would have plumbed into my sump.
Upon building this tank, I now realize I can not keep it as just a refugium.
This tank will be lit by Coralifes 96w pc quad fixture, this light will be sufficient enough to also use this tank as a frag grow out area.

The tank was custom built by me. 1/4" glass, measurements are: 20"long x 12" x12". Making it approx 12gals.
I am soft plumbing (flex vinyl tubing) into my sump via an external durso type drain. The water is being fed into this tank from a MJ1200, which actually provides more than enough thrust to lift the water up the 3feet required.
I will have pics up soon.
If it is just us,
It seems like an awful waste of space.
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