Thread: Malachite green
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Old 12-07-2005, 11:11 PM
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Default Malachite green

Hi all, my baby regal tang has developed ich (gasp). I'm currently waiting for him to swm into an easy to scoop position so I can give him a dip in malachite green. He's very active still, and eating like a pig.

My questions are:

How much malachite green do I use for say, 5 cups of water? I thought I'd check here if anyone mixes theirs with less or more than they recommend.

Second, I'd like to quarantine him but my quarantine tank is full of angry damsels right now so thats out of the question. My concern is that the malachite green left on the skin and lungs of my tang may be detrimental to the life (mainly the shrimp) in my main tank. Is it okay to just dip the tang, them put him directly back into the main tank?

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