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Old 12-06-2005, 01:37 PM
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Seriak Seriak is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus
Holy mackerel!!!! Awesome!! Mine are pathetic little twigs that wish they were like halfways like that.

Did you start those from pods or were they already little plantlets? Do you have them in any kind of substrate (sand or mud or ...??) What kind of fluorescents are those? How often do you mist them?
I think I got them at the same time you did. I initially got 4 from Evan. These two really took off. I initally floated them above some rocks and the roots eventually grew through some holes in the live rock that support them now. I have approx 2-3 inchese of sand with next to no water movement. The flourescents I just bought at Brite Lite. They are Phillips 50 Watt 41 RS. 2 of them. Oh and I have never misted them and yes they were only pods at the time I got them.
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