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Old 12-06-2005, 12:02 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,793
Dez is on a distinguished road

I've always lived in the South and absolutely love it.... but then again I don't have to travel downtown to work everyday. We have South Edmonton Common, Calgary is easy access, all the harware stores we need (home depot, Rona, Canadian Tire)....

We lived in a 2 storey condo before and we bought for around 84 000 dollars....cheaper condos that were very practical and we had 2 dogs. Wished we could've kept it to rent out...

Anyway, hope this helps....

And we had a 150 gallon, 180 gallon, a 54 gallon and a 7 gallon on the main floor with one of the tanks plumbed into the basement.

This was in the yellowbird area, near the old heritage mall....close to Southgate as well

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