Thread: Jawfish
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Old 12-04-2005, 06:15 PM
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AndyL AndyL is offline
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Wais is on the 300block of 16ave ne in calgary. North side of the road, across from Peters Drive in.

Originally Posted by doch
Wai's is a great little store... very small, but ram jam to the rafters with all kinds of coral and fishy goodness... we get screwed here in edmonton... 2 mediocre stores in Edmonton(not even going to include the Koi shop) vs 2-3 great stores, and a couple of not so great ones in Calgary. I think that I need to open a store in Edmonton. Show them all who's boss!! lol.
AI's got some pretty cool stuff (was just there yesterday, got an eviota goby, and a sweet acan frag). Wais is roughly on par with AI - pricing is very similar.

I'm jealous of that aquagiant - and I hear he's going SW in the new year... But screw that - the hardware is CHEAP!

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