Thread: Shark repellant
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Old 12-03-2005, 11:42 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by Titus

Thanks. What are the flares issued in the Navy like (ie burn time, altitude, etc)?

....., we use millitary Paraflares, hand held will light up a whole field and take about 15 to 20 seconds to fall,....
Do you want distress flares or illumination flares?

The Paraflares you are referring to, Steve, are illumination flares... aren't they?

Illumination flares can be used in SAR, but they are usually used by the search party to illuminate an area at night, thus increasing visibility for the searchers. They are not meant to signal distress.

Illumination flares shouldn't, technically, be used as a distress signal because they are not red. A distress signal flare is red.

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