Thread: Another Flood!
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Old 06-22-2002, 10:45 PM
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Default Another Flood!


Ha ya the reason for the solenoid and direct feed from the tap water faucet to the RO/DI is to prevent me from forgetting to turn off the TWP when filling a 33 gallon trash can.

However, I was planning to show my parents how it's supposed to work and had the product water line turned off, with the waste water line running to a plugged sink. Then, when I look at it again at the middle of the night, the solenoid was open trying to fill up the evaporated water but of course no water is filling because the product line was turned off. So the entire time, the waste water line was pumping water non stop at the plugged sink. What's worst. It is a 100gpd unit. Oh my. It is still wet today even though I've pulled up half of the carpet to suck dry the floor.

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