....Hey Titus.....hows it goin ehhh, down dare in OZ?
Being a diver and a science-fish geek, I have a couple' O gems of "wisdom" for you.
The two classical stories are: 1) US navy used various dyes and detergents to mask a person visually (less aggressive color) and reduce the scent in the water. "Limited success wit ha soap called SDS (sodium dodecal....bla bla).........I don't know about you, but I am a little less than confident of "bubble bath " vs Great White....might reduce the fecal oder in the water , if you survive the first pass
2) chemical from a dead Moses sole....sharks don't eat its corpse.
..........some success but suffers the same fate as classic #1 ...ie not enough in a big ocean to demotivate a hungary VW bus from its pink snack.
But all is not lost.......recently there has been work on certain radio and/or electrical frequencies that attract or repell sharks...has promise but again the force to de-motivate a frenzied shark

....may work under certain situatuions.
Lastly and the one I like

is the new mail (sp?)wetsuits. The stainless steel net inside or under the rubber protects your bits from being bitten off. It is similar to tinfoil on teeth fillings for sharks and not the expected physical protection or the steel.
Works best for nasty smaller sharks........soooo you goin ' dinner diving??
Have fun, cheers