Originally Posted by BMW Rider
Another problem common to the Dodge small block V8s was carbon build up in the exhaust crossover passage in the intake manifold. It results in the fuel not being properly vapourized due to the lack of heat under the carb. this would produce simptoms similar to what you describe. basuically you have backfireing beacause the fuel mixture is essentially lean since much of it is in liquid and un burnable form. This liquid fuel is then pumped duirectly through the engine out the exhaust resulting in a rich exhauast smell. It also tends to wash down the cylinder wall and cause excess oil consumption as well. The only cure is to remove the intake and clean out the carbon blockage.
it does sound probable. the beast sounds ok when it idles, very hesitant when you give it gas..sounds like it's working really hard to get air...loss of power. I will add "possibly clean intake" to my list.
I've got, carb kit, set timing, and clean intake...whee! glad it's only a 2bbl