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Old 11-30-2005, 07:52 PM
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andestang andestang is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Okotoks
Posts: 1,053
andestang is on a distinguished road

Sounds like you may have a engine timing problem. Try and get the base and full advance timing checked. Also maybe timing chain slack if engine mileage is high. If your choke (electric I'm guessing) is working properly the flap should be almost straight up (vertical) after engine warm-up. Just some idea's.

150g reef, 55g sump, T5's, Vertech 200A, Profilux III - German made is highly over rated, should just say Gerpan made.

Reefkeeper - individual obsessed with placing disturbing amounts of electricity and seawater in close proximity for the purpose of maintaining live coral reef organisms.
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