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Old 11-29-2005, 07:12 AM
BT05 BT05 is offline
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Default Re: Help - Pumps too loud

Originally Posted by Jaws
Originally Posted by Jaws
On the return, the pump is plumbed with 1" pvc to a tee. After the tee, each side of the tee goes to a 3/4" SCWD. Each SCWD has two 1" returns, that alternate current as a result of the SCWD. Is the Mag 36 too much pump for the SCWD's? Could I get the same flow from a Mag 24 or something that size?
Does anyone have an opinion on this?
So you have a 3600 GPH pump feeding 2 SCWDs? The SCWD I'm using has a 3/4" inlet and 3/4" outlets, you say your SCWDs have 1" returns/outlets? or did you just use a bushing to upsize them?

Anyway, I believe the max flow through a SCWD is only about 1400 GPH with 5 PSI. Even divided through 2 SCWD's including head loss, you are probably still over the "theorhetical" limit. If you want to keep using the same pump, I say put 2 ball valves before them to restrict/tweak flow AND tee off a relief line in case something goes wrong (ie. they jam up, fail from too much pressure etc). I would still do this if you downsize to a mag 24.

Personally, I'd return the 2 pumps and stick with one pump; the super ampmaster 5600 (6500 GPH) a somewhat quiet but very reliable pump. You can even get a specialized manifold for it that splits into 8 hose barbs or 6 1/2" slip couplers. That way you can have your main return lines providing relief and still be able to plumb your 2 SCWDs. (Just don't forget the ball valves like I mentioned) The same effect can be achieved by running both of your mag 36s on the same return line, but it's not as clean as using one of the nifty manifolds you can buy for the Dolphin pumps. There is also alot more plumbing involved to do it this way...
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