Thread: hmmm...
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Old 11-29-2005, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by AndyL
Originally Posted by Tarolisol
You wont drink it, now thats just stupid. Calgary has some of the cleanest water. Ive heard its better water then aquafina.
Wasn't it aquafina that was "outed" for bottling dechlorinated calgary city water?

Calgary's got great water for reefing, RO/DI is only really necessary for some of the more difficult to keep SPS.

I'm with Andy and Bob. As long as you don't try anything too difficult to keep you should be fine. To take it a step further, I don't believe someone new to the hobby should even be attempting something that requires the barely attainable conditions and care descibed by some in this thread. Stick to the easy stuff until you get bored, or feel you really aren't spending as much as the Reefer Jones. I don't find Bob's comment off at all, let alone appalling.

Also, Calgary water is great, you can check out the test results online through some government website that I can't direct you to. If you believe in the free ion pollution theory of water stored in plastic containers, than it is even more safe than bottled water.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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