Good point Chin and I agree. I think there are always exceptions out there - like no water changes - no skimming - clams that grow under NO lighting - etc. etc. etc. I think that all of us want to have our home reefs and aquariums flourish and grow and keep our livestock healthy. I know that I have tried some of those (usually cheaper) routes and have met with nothing but failure. If there is one thing that I have learned it is to research for myself and ask lots of questions and really try to balance the answers I get with what makes sense to me. I am glad that there is the odd maverick out there that is willing to go against the norm - that is what keeps our hobby growing and learning but to suggest to someone just starting out that something as basic as water should be experimented with is just not fair. It sets them up to fail and we all know that it can be frustrating enough.
I have 2 large (230g and 190g) and 3 small (12, 24 and 44g) tanks set up. I don't have an RO unit because with the high TDS in my well water and being on a lagoon system it is not feasible. I buy all of my RODI water and haul it by hand. I wouldn't dream of using tap or even untreated town water.
These are just my opinions based on my own experience.