Hello everyone, I thought I would share a recent event that took place the other night.
I came home yesterday to find my 30 gallon cube had overflowed all over my basement floor

. The return pump had drained my 33 gallon sump and dried out all of my frags and a couple of mother colonies I had been keeping in there. So after cleaning up the wet carpet with a shop vac I started to investigate why it had spilled over.After a scan of the system I couldn't find anything wrong. I emptied the sump contents into the main tank and went to bed after a few hours of cleaning. The next morning I went to further investigate why the system overflowed and to my surprise I found my sea hare had slipped through the egg crate on my overflow box and stuffed his fat butt into the drain tube

. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Anyone suggestions on a type of mesh to place over the egg crate?