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Old 11-27-2005, 06:54 AM
strat strat is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vic
Posts: 15
strat is on a distinguished road

Yes, thanks to christy and all involved. It was cool to meet everyone. Thanks too (christy and manny) for the frags I got. Hopefully they will take. Nice to make some contacts for frag exchange and advice etc. Its great for a newb.

thanks all

30 gallon tall tank, 2 clowns, 1 yellow goby, 1 bicolor blenny, snails, 1 fire shrimp, bubble coral, brain coral, shrooms, zoos, organ pipe coral, hammer coral, GSP, yellow polyps, etc. 175 Ushio MH, NO actinic, one Prism skimmer, and one Prism Pro skimmer (both running), Aquaclear Mini for Carbon, 2 Maxijets..
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