Digitata Issue
I've had this nice green digitata for awhile, it's been doing great.
It has grown from merely looking like a stick, into something with nice branches and many 'fingers' etc.
Though a few days ago I noticed something....
In one of the branches it looks like something has literally burrowed into it, digging a huuuge hole right through and down the center of it and now into the main stem. I would have jumped on this sooner if I hadn't been so busy lately.
I dont know whether to break it off and hope for the best...or whats going on here.
I would take photos but my digital camera sucks bananas so badly that it would all look like one big...blur.
The rest of it looks fabulous, just the affected areas are...terrible. Even the polyps dont want to open up on that branch or now the core section its affected.
\"Are you a fish haver or a fish keeper?\"