Thread: @#$%! BTA
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Old 11-26-2005, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by OCDP
Honestly... take your finernail and pry him off if its accessable. It does not harm them, BTA's are very hardy given you have good water paramters and such.... just pry him off.
Can you touch and anemone with your bare hands? don't they sting you? I have a condy that needs to come off a rock so I can give it back to Ed But I have been to chicken to touch it. so there area around him has been a little neglected. I do have the big coralife gloves but it's like picking your nose wearing boxing gloves. I tried the powerhead he loved it, I tried putting a big rock on top of him for a few days nothin now he partly shaded under my frag rack and he likes it

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