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Old 11-25-2005, 03:48 PM
addam4208283 addam4208283 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: MA
Posts: 38
addam4208283 is on a distinguished road
Default name brands what should i go for?

i have gone to a couple different fish places, a few of the big ones (petco, and petsmart) and a couple smaller places. each time i go into the store and ask what they recommend for brands in protein skimmers, canister filters, etc. each time it only seems that they want me to buy products form their store. i ask ?'s comparing and contrasting products from different stores and i always seem to get the same answer. basically saying that the other stores don't know what they are talking about and that they are just trying to make me buy an over priced less then ok product. so i wanted to post here to see what you guys recommend to look at. i know here i will get different answers as well, but with out the whole pressuring to buy your product going on.

thanks for your help in advance.
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