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Old 11-22-2005, 06:35 AM
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Default ** Canceled ** Group order - Salt

Alrighty folks,

Dunno about the rest of the world, but I know a few of us are getting down to the bottom of the pails from the last salt order... I'm firming up pricing/timing with suppliers, would like to have the order in by the first week of december, salt arriving just in time to be put under your favorite reefers xmas tree...

Choices will likely be Kent and IO, if there's enough interest and it can work in the timeline, I can definitely get pricing on other preferences.

We may do things a bit differently this time around - looks like we can get a better price with a single payment, so we may choose to go that route. Which means don't order if you can't afford it - as you'll be chastised loudly and publicly.

Josh (blkwolfe) is willing to haul edmonton orders to edmonton.

I should have pricing by the end of the week, also need to come up with ideas on how to handle the $ - some obviously wont be willing to prepay as I know some of you don't know me from a hole in the ground. COD can cause a whole other headache with transport to edmonton... Anyone have some bright ideas?

Expect pricing to be in the ballpark of the previous order - we'll know for sure with a better idea of how much is being ordered.

So, the question really is - who is considering how many pails of what? I will obviously confirm with everyone before ordering.

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