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Old 11-17-2005, 09:39 PM
jws444 jws444 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 94
jws444 is on a distinguished road

Sorry, I don't know Dremel's bit numbers. Maybe someone who knows from memory can chime in. I used no-name brand bits which are pretty much disposable. Took me 2 bits to drill a 2 inch hole in a 77 gal. No great loss at 2 bucks each. You'll need a 'round' boring bit to drill a hole, and then a cylindrical to do the cut-out. I ran the Dremel at full speed and lots of water. You may need a helper to keep the bit wet with a spray bottle. Both should wear eye and ear protection.

Pros use cross polarizers to see little square patterns on the glass to find out if it's tempered. I remember reading something similar about looking at the glass' edge too, but I can't remember! There's a very high chance that a 30 gal will not be tempered. Unless it's custom order, not too many tank makers would hike up the price tag for no apparent reason. IF there is a piece that's tempered, it would be the bottom piece before anything else.
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