I ordered a bright pink postata, purple Cali Tort, purple blue Blasto and Joshua sold me a red yellow polyp frag.
The postata water was a bit murky and it was RTN'ing I placed it in the tank, it kept getting worse so I fraged it today only about 1cm left and I don't know how it will do.
Cali Tort is going to be a nice coral I think, deep dark purple.
Blasto is doing well looking better all the time.
The frag Joshua sold/traded me is tiny and I don't know how it's doing looks kind of alive.
Over all can't complain, it'll suck for sure if something doesn't make it. I think the water temp. got a little low when I got home from Tony's I tossed in a thermometer and it was 70.
I'll update if there are any big changes.