Fresh Water Down Sizing Sale - Calgary
Down sizing sale:
With the new work that I have taken on, I am finding that I don't have time to take care all my fish.
Here is what I have available at the moment for livestock.
Tanks and equipment will be posted soon as they are emptied.
Lake Tanganikya Breeders for Sale:
(1) Breeding trio of Wild Caught Black Zambian Calvus
--- One male, 2 females, have bred lots of babies
--- includes two Calvus breeding Bells
--- Both females breed about 80 fry each time
--- Price $200.00
More Breeding bells available at 3 for $50.00 (these are alos great for plecos and other cichlids!!!!!!
(2) Proven breeding group of F1 Cyprochromis Leptosoma "Utinta"
--- 3 males and 4 females (all females have bred)
--- includes 8 fry
--- Two males have Red tails, one has Blue Tail
--- Price $200.00
(3) Small Breeding group of F1 Tropheus Moorii Kambawimba "Red Rainbow"
--- 2 males, 2 females
--- Very nice coloration
--- Price $80.00
(4) One lonely Male F1 Neolamprologus Buscheri "Zaire Gold"
--- Very mean
--- Price $10.00
(5) Breeding Pair of Convicts
--- Male is black, female is pink
--- Price $10.00
(6) Large Breeding Group of F1 Tropheus Duboisi "Maswa"
--- Group of 20 breeding adults
--- Ratio unknown
--- Price $350.00
Above are located in Calgary, Alberta
Open to offers
Interesting trades considered
Some pics available via e-mail