Thread: Anything new
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Old 11-04-2005, 05:29 PM
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OCDP OCDP is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Calgary
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OCDP is on a distinguished road

Gold's usually gets in good stock of both coral and fish, sometimes one more than the other. You have to be quick when shopping at Gold's your best time to go in is on Friday's (which is when their new shipment is in) Friday morning is even better... they sell stuff fast!

They have lots of nice SPS and other pieces but you'll notice lots is not yet for sale as they are trying to grow it all out to frag or whatever for people next year.

20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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