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Old 10-30-2005, 08:35 PM
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Gujustud Gujustud is offline
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Location: Richmond, BC, CAN
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Default Items for Sale (Richmond, BC)

Well since i'll be downgrading shortly, i'm starting to sell things I've collected for the time, but won't need.

1) $100 (price update Mar 9 '06) The original Custom Sealife Pump (T3). One of the quietest pumps out there. Now known as the Poseidon. Original price $198. Input/Output 3/4. Great condition. I bought it used a while ago, but never used it, so its been sitting for a while, but I recently opened it, and cleaned it, and it runs fine.

2) SOLD Oceansmotions Squirt.

$260 takes them both.

Last edited by Gujustud; 03-09-2006 at 09:50 PM.
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