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Old 10-23-2005, 02:07 AM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,591
Bob I is on a distinguished road

I am convinced Aiptasia come from nowhere. However, to qualify that statement. In my case they always show up on the same rocks. You can wipe them out on a rock, but sometimes months later on the same rock they are back.
For instance; Yesterday I treated a rock recently purchased at a LFS for one Aiptasia. I looked at the rock today, and found five little Aiptasia. So today I treated that rock again with boiling water. I am willing to bet my last nickel that in a few days there will be more.
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

---------Homer Simpson--------
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