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Old 10-20-2005, 02:11 AM
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outtafocus outtafocus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 314
outtafocus is on a distinguished road
Default Outtafocus's 25gal cube

Welcome to my tank.

This cube tank has been posted several times before with several different setups.
I have finally settled on a system design and I am now going to share it with you, my fellow members of Canreef.

I believe a quick description is required,

Tank: Approx. 25gal 18x18x18" cube, 1/4 sides and 1/2 thick bottom. Drilled to accept a 1" bulkhead with a 4x4 corner overflow box.
The overflow box contains a very customized Durso standpipe, custom because 1" pvc and a 90 degree elbow will not fit in a 4x4 box. This tank houses quite alot of some very nice Fiji live rock, I have no idea on # of lbs. The rock has a large quantity of purple coraline. For flow I have a SEIO 620 hidden at the top of my tank, I also have an MJ1200 which I hope will be removed once I redo my plumbing to bring better flow. There is also an Aquaclear 500 (110) setup as a refugium with a great quantity of chaeto hanging on the tank edge, I am undecided wether or not to keep this online.

I currently only have a red open brain, a colt leather, a pipe organ, and a couple zoo frags along with the snails as inhabitants, this will increase shortly.

Stand: I decided to go with an Oceanic cube stand in maple flavour, meant for their 30gal cube tanks. My tank looks very much at home on this stand and dimensions are excellant.

Sump: I built my sump out of 1/4" thick glass and had all the baffles cut to my specs. I designed this sump to use the maximun space inside my stand, which resulted in an approx. 11gals of usable space with lots of room for backflow.
The sump contains my Mag7 return pump which pushes the water back up to the display tank after it first passes through an SCWD.This sump also contains my Coralife superskimmer65 and a several pieces of live rock.
I am using a Tunze Osmolator 5017 as auto top off.

Lighting: The majority of the lighting in this setup comes from a Hamilton 150W HQI metal halide with a 13000K bulb. I supplement this with a Current-usa Satellite 40W 50/50 power compact. This Current fixture comes stock with a white LED moon light, which I quickly replaced with a hyperblue LED.

And now for some photos.........

If it is just us,
It seems like an awful waste of space.
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