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Old 10-19-2005, 03:56 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
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Bob if you comment is directed at me I really hope you don't put dirt in my filter Perhaps, as a hobbiest, I am gullible. Have I bought some crap over the last 3 years - YUP! Have I also learned from my mistakes YUP YUP! If I choose to buy or use something I think the one thing I have learned is to research. I am not sure this system will work and if it doesn't for me I will discontinue use and chalk it up to another learning experience. My research tells me that using this system will not be harmful to my fish and if my corals do not thrive then it is just some more of my $ that I choose to spend and I will have learned something. I did not mean to start anything. Christy asked for what it cost me to get set up and I simply replied. My apology please if I offended you.
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