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Old 10-18-2005, 11:41 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by Tarolisol
Ok so im resurecting an old post, I have tried boiling water, joes juice, peppermint shrimps, and i currently have a copperbanded butterfly. Well its gotten to the point where all i can see is aptasia. Every rock in my tank has at least 10 of them on it. I need a solution. Im willing to take out every rock and dip it(now this is ALOT of rock) but i have no idea what to dip it into. And I cant do it if it will kill the rock. Please Help.
find about 4 pepermint shrimp but the ones with the red tail. and not camel shrimp.. they take a bit to get going but once they do they eat them like crazy.

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