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Old 10-12-2005, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Dabbler
Like I said earlier all they ask is name and phone number ( they don't ask for your address, or your SIN number, or your first born.....)...this is public knowledge, its in the phone book. And if you still don't want to give your name....John Smith @ 555-1212 works good to.
Your phone number is public knowledge but what you buy is not, and when you give them that info at the store they put 2 and 2 together. The fact that companies are demanding your personal information when it is not needed (this does not apply to banks, hotels, car rentals, airlines, situations where by law they require your info) is what I find disturbing. Radio Shack never ever refused my cash.

The opinion I am expressing is that these types of stores should be avoided if possible as you should have the right to withhold your personal information without an argument. If they ask for your information and you decline, there should be no issue.
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