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Old 10-12-2005, 03:03 PM
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rickjames rickjames is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Duncan, BC
Posts: 399
rickjames is on a distinguished road

This type of information should be voluntary, i.e. if you want to make an account in the system and collect points or make returns easier then fine, create an account. But if you want to pay cash and with hold your name, you should be allowed. After all, each bill says "legal tender" on it. I find this trend in privacy infringement disturbing. Sure names and phone numbers are available, but now some stupid LFS can track how you spend your money, what your address is, etc. etc. It is even more dangerous if the company is american owned due to the patriot act. Even if it operates in Canada, the FBI under the patriot act can seize their customer information at any time if the company is american owned. Just something to think about....

I think back to 5 years ago and one of the funniest conversations my dad had with a water company. They wanted his name and phone number to buy a 5G bottle of water, so he said 563-CASH. The clerk tried to punch it in, didn't work, so he says, "I know, I'm paying cash". A similar conversation to mpishi's occured with a manager stepping in to "let" my dad pay cash with no number. My dad's argument was "you want to track how much water i drink? What's next, you want to track how much i p*ss?"

Safe to say he took his business elsewhere. I would suggest to you to take your business elsewhere when a store refuses your money without your name.

There, that's my rant of the day!
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