how many times is the garlic debate going to come up!? bottom line is.. people will have mixed results.. plain and simple. People will have mixed feelings about it as well... plain and simple. There obviously isn't solid proof that it works against parasites 100%.
by now most people should have a fairly good idea of how garlic works. You can try it.. but it may not work, on the other hand.. it may work. There are many important factors to consider when using garlic. How badly is the fish infected already? If it's already heavily infected or really sick.. chances are garlic won't do much for you. Again, lots of factors to consider IMO ..
If you want to try garlic, try it! if it works, it works.. if it doesn't .. well then, it doesn't . IME I found it did work... but then again, my fish only showed a couple specks of ick.. a few good feedings of mysis/flake and garlic and the spots are gone (and have NOT come back)
my .02
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50