Making Kalkwasser in Canada
hey guys. finally got my tank up and running with some fish too. its looking great, thanks to the fully cured LR i was able to get from a reefer up island.... so my question is this, where can i buy pickling lime for making kalkwasser up here? i know on the american boards they all talk about how easy it is to pick up down there but i went to superstore and couldnt find a thing. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
30 gallon tall tank, 2 clowns, 1 yellow goby, 1 bicolor blenny, snails, 1 fire shrimp, bubble coral, brain coral, shrooms, zoos, organ pipe coral, hammer coral, GSP, yellow polyps, etc. 175 Ushio MH, NO actinic, one Prism skimmer, and one Prism Pro skimmer (both running), Aquaclear Mini for Carbon, 2 Maxijets..