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Old 10-01-2005, 02:10 AM
leslr leslr is offline
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Default OK, Now I'm really confused about skimmers.

Hi Guys
I have been trying to follow the threads about the Coralife Super Skimmers. Good/Bad/Indifferent etc. I have a 26 gal Bow with a Maxijet 1200 on a hydor wave maker, a Aquaclear 802 P/H with media attachment runnung floss, as well as a Aquaclear 300 filter modded with L/R and some cheto. Total flow =1000gph. Lighting is the Coralife clip-on 150watt 20,000k MH. Everything seems happy but trying to keep the glass clean from the green algea is a pain. So I thought (I know big mistake on my part) I would put a skimmer on and take out the AC300, and was thinking of the CSS-65. Everyone seemed so happy at the start of all the threads, but seem to have all backtracked lately.
Sooooo does anyone have a CSS (CSS65) that they are happy with.
any help would be much Apprec.
ps John the majority of the stuff that survived is growing like weeds.
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