Thread: rubbermaid sump
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Old 09-29-2005, 11:09 PM
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Shouldn't be too hard to do... you may just have problems with microbubbles though.

What I've seen quite a few people do is place a container (ie. bucket) into the rubbermaid sump, and have the drain water feed that to help eliminate microbubbles. A few other people connect rubbermaid containers in series (via. bulkheads and pvc) to further eliminate microbubbles. A fuge can be added to the sump via another container within the rubbermaid sump... (like a smaller rubbermaid container). All you'd need to do is to cut a few slots within the smaller rubbermaid container for water flow. Adding baffles to rubbermaid containers is a pita... if not nearly impossible. I'd highly recommend going with a "container within a container" type of setup.

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