Originally Posted by Van down by the river
All saltwater aquarium fish are caught legally.
Psssst........(opens black trenchcoat filled with plastic bags)hey I've got
3 yellow tangs, 2 angels, and a puffer. wanna buy?
( I couldn't resist sharing my mental image)
HAHA, did you see on the news a while ago that a woman was arrested trying to carry bags of fish under her skirt onto a plane... illegally?

Just reminded me...
More on the subject though, I would gladly pay more money for an MAC certified fish, or something along those lines, or even a tank-raised specimen. However, oddly enough, tank-raised fish usually go for cheaper than wild caught, but are hardier in the aquarium.
Its true, some of the best stores in terms of caring for thier fish are the most expensive. You can judge a book by the cover either, just because a store has put a lot of money into displaying the fish doesnt mean it takes good care of them. But, you must also remember salt water fish are extremely difficult to ship and keep alive, compared to a lot of freshwater species, so the mortality rate is higher no matter what.
Its one of those things that is going to be a long time coming, it will take years to ban cyanide fishing, and after that years to enforce it. Right now, it seems almost impossible.
Lets just say I prefer certian stores in the lower mainland over others, but right now there is hardly anywhere that I wont shop.