Originally Posted by OceanAquatics
If the fish are very large, or delicate take extra precautions. If you have a small air pump you can bring with you to areate them during the night that will be helpful.
Also make sure they haven't just eaten a large meal just before you bag them as they may foul their bag quickly.
Good Luck
Yah ... I guess that's easier than just mail-ordering the fish directly.
Well I dunno... like I said... that's what I'd do. If mail-order wasn't an option then I guess I'd have to look at other options but if it was a choice between a trip where I can make the purchase and be home on the same day, versus where I have to make the purchase on a DIFFERENT day than the travel day, I'd choose "door #1."
Like has been mentioned many times, these animals suffer longer travel times on their first trip into North America anyhow. BUT .... that's not to say that if they survive it once, they'll survive it again and again thereafter. There is some risk, never will be zero risk.
My $0.02..