Personally if it was me I'd skip it. But these animals usually have to live through at least that long if not longer when they're first imported ... so theoretically if packed right they should be able to handle it. But the store would probably have to set you up with heat packs, good O2 in the bag, styrofoam containers... etc. It almost might be better to just order the animals via mail-order anyhow. I dunno like I said if it was me I'd skip it. When I travel I sometimes get tempted on some things that I cannot get locally too but if the transit time is >6-8 hours or overnight, then I figure it's not worth the hassle. Already you're tired when you get home, and so on, and the first thing you'll have to do is start acclimating.
I guess I should say "it depends". If it was corals I wouldn't sweat the extra time. But fish .. that's where I'd be like... hummm maybe not. But your mileage may vary...
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!