We were lucky enough to purchase a Griessingei Goby (Dancing Goby) from J&L.
He was not cheap, but an amazing fish so we had to have him. We put him in the tank, and that was the last we saw of him. For the first week we searched high and low for him, but never saw him. We decided to call him "Big Foot" and the urban myth began to grow that this fish even existed in our tank
For the last 6 months he has never been seen, we had given up hope and assumed he had died. However, last night as I was doing my regular flashlight check our beloved "Big Foot" was sitting out on a rock underneath the moonlight. I dragged my wife out of bed just so she could be there to witness the sighting. I only wish I had my camera around, so that I could have taken a shot of him.
Just curious to see if anyone else has ever had a fish M.I.A for so long, only to appear many months later.