If it were my tank I would..
As far as aquascaping goes...- stack the rock along the outside of the tank making sure there is an abundance of nooks and crannys that fish could swim through. Then in the middle I would place a rock or two to create a small island surrounded by sand.
As for a livestock list..- I really like my Yellow Coris Wrasse. Great splash of color and always cruising the tank in the open.
- I would also suggest a dwarf angel. They won't grow so big as to outgrow your tank but are really attractive and really add to the tank.
- I will also second Richer's suggestion of a Lawnmower Blenny. Very neat little fish and will help keep your tank clean.
Cleaning crew..- Cleaner Shrimp! They have to be the coolest critters. Mine will jump onto my hand almost as soon as I put it in the tank and start cleaning away. Mine also seem to be quite active as well.
- I would also get an assortment of snails. Trochus, Turbo, Astrea. I would stay away from the Margarita snails though as they are really a cooler water snail and don't seem to adapt as well to our tanks.
- Hermits.. Well thats a personal choice. Many people with reefs don't like them as they can be some what of a PITA. Moving corals around, knocking stuff over, attacking their snails. I personally have had no problems with mine and quite enjoy watching them scurry around. If you decide you would like them. I would stick with the blue-leg, scarlet or the left-handed(zebra legged) hermits.
There you have it..
Hope my suggestions might help you design your little slice of ocean to your liking..