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Old 09-20-2005, 02:09 PM
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Richer Richer is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Edmonton (Southwest), AB
Posts: 784
Richer is on a distinguished road

Looking for a bit more info on your part... do you plan on putting in a sandbed? If so, how deep? How much LR are you planning on putting into this tank?

I've always wanted to put a goby of some sort and pistol shrimp into my tank... but never was able to, seeing how I've always needed to keep BB tanks due to the amount and direction of flow that I've had in my tanks. I find watching a pistol shrimp and goby interact to be very interesting. Another fish that I've always liked were algae blennies. Just make sure you try to train it onto nori asap, or there's a chance it may not find enough food on your rocks and slowly starve to death. A sixline wrasse would be a nice choice... they're tough, colourful, and IME easy to train onto prepared foods. Just make sure to add those fish last to your tank. I've read quite a few stories of sixlines beating on newcomers.

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