As Rob mentioned, we have discussed lighting for this tank for the now, and in the future. I'm well aware of what is needed for the lighting.
I’m not trying to start a fight I just thought that was a little rude.You asked for peoples 2 cents and they gave it to you.
I'm not trying to start a fight, or be rude (that's why I toss in the smilies

), but this thread is turning into a "lighting" or equipment thread. I've never asked about equipment, specifically lighting. Rather....
I'm looking for ideas on landscaping (high, low, spread out???), tankmates, cleaner crew, etc.
I'm well aware that there is a wealth of experience on here. However, being a cichlid guy, to me it's like asking for specific advice on breeding a species of cichlid, only to get 10 responses on how and why you should cycle your tank first, and not bring the fish home from the store and dump them in an unfiltered tank.
It's kind of hard not to shake my head when most of the suggestions here (although really very useful ones) focus on something completely different that I haven't asked about. I'm simply looking for ideas on how people have or would set up the interior of a 54 bowfront housed with at the least, pair of perculas, no anemone. Tankmates, landscaping, cleaner crew, etc. What would you put in it.
Maybe it's my fault for not being specific enough in the beginning, so perhaps I should just start a new thread?
I take each and every response I get for full thought, but if we could stick to the information I'm actually seeking, that would be great.