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Old 09-20-2005, 11:33 AM
Renegade Renegade is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 229
Renegade is on a distinguished road

I would highly recommend lights, regardless ifs its a FOWLR tank. One of the things that IMO makes a reef is the bright crisp light. I started with a 44 gal corner tank with a 20" coralite fixture. Of course now i want brighter but am not sinking anymore money into this tank. I am now setting up a 120 going all out on it but thats not my point. With my corner i have two anemones, a bubble tip, and a long tentacle anemone. They are both doing very well. My tank stocks 2 paired percs. currently guarding there 3 batch of eggs, a yellow tang, a 6 line wrasse, a sunrise dottyback and a mandarin dragonet.

How ever if i were in your shoe's I would take that chance to do things "right" from the beginning. You will want a coral or an anemone at some point because you may find something your really like or simply because can’t have one. But fine You’re doing a FOWLR tank, don’t forget your LR wants light too. For me anyways the whole point of the LR (besides filtration) is looks. I want a reef in my bedroom. I want it to be covered in coralline algae and feather busters little bits of coral that grows on the rock. That’s why you pay so much for it. You don’t have to go out and buy coral to get it in your tank a lot of your LR will be covered in things.

I’d just really take the advice of some of these guys (and girls) seriously. some of them have been doing this along time and know what there talking about and don't be a smartass with comments like:

"does anyone have any other suggestions for a 54 gallon bowfront with a pair of percs, the original lighting, and no anemones or corals.

I believe that's what we call a FOWLR setup, as previously mentioned? "

I’m not trying to start a fight I just thought that was a little rude. You asked for peoples 2 cents and they gave it to you. To be honest i think your missing the point of a FOWLR tank.

But thats JMO

If you want advice on how to set up your tank well then. As mentioned above get an asortment of rock. I bought 10 ponds here and there finding the right pieces for my aquascaping. i let it cycle and started to slowly add fish. I gave my tank a fairly deep sandbed which is a debate that will go one forever. Bare bottom or sand bed. I made fiends with guys from J&L's got advice and help when needed. I almost never shop anywhere else. They have been great and will probly always have me my main fish store. The main thing i can say is go slow, read your gonna make mistakes but IMO thats how you learn. Well keep us posted with your tank.

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