Intense light is the key to keeping an anemone... they also like good flow... and clean water... so I second what Ruth says... (go overkill on those three and take it from a guy with a shed full of junk),but they'll move to where they like the best.... Perc's like groups... I have 4 in my 135 and at night they all huddle into my ever expanding rittieri ... It appears that they've even split into two mated pairs, as two have grown a fair bit larger than the other two and they always seem to be paired up with one of the smaller ones... but they all get along fine... Maroons and most other clowns DO however need to be kept singly or in mated pairs... regardless of what you may see at the LFS. With NO lighting I predict your anemone will wither away and die within a month... just my two bits.
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!