Thread: Beckett skimmer
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Old 09-14-2005, 04:11 AM
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Hi Lee,

Somehow I missed your post, sorry. The dimensions I actually posted in the original post, here they are again:

Overall height: 30"
Mixing box: 15"x8.5"x8"
First chamber: 8" tall x 6" diameter
Riser tube: 9" tall (extending into collection cup) x 4"

I've been getting a lot of PM's with the question, what is this skimmer "Rated" for. This is a tricky question to answer, because skimmer ratings tend to be a little subjection IME, it really depends on several factors. Pump used to run the skimmer, bioload, and so on.

Having said that, this skimmer is in my opinion, equivalent to a Precision Marine Bullet 2 (at least I think it is, in terms of size). The PM Bullet 2 is rated for a tank of 250gallons and retails for $560 at J&L, $360USD at

It is, however, an "Aquatic Essentials" skimmer which is the inhouse brand name for Ocean Aquatics (I'm not sure, but I think they don't make them any longer). The link at Ocean Aquatics (although it now says "no longer in database" still shows the price, this skimmer retailed at $300 new).

I'll take $150 for it. Come on, somebody take this thing off my hands. The acrylic alone is probably worth more than that.
-- Tony
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