Hey! I've seen that crab...
We have one of those litte buggers in our 5gal reef. Aside from some algae and maybe a snail (we're not too sure) we haven't had any issues with it, as we have no fish yet to bother it. What was it eating in your tank? what kind of damage was it doing? Is it predatious? We have a peppermint shrimp, a few snails and a handful of hermit crabs, along with two Zoo colonies and a pair of mushrooms. We had a bunch of isopods that hitched along with the live rock, so we won't be adding any fish until towards November when we know they've been eradicated. when we do put in some fish, they won't be very big. I realize this may seem like a ramble, but we've been trying to find out what kind of crab this is on the net and through the local LFS's and library.