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Old 09-11-2005, 04:46 PM
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mr_alberta mr_alberta is offline
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Originally Posted by Ruth
Well the guy I had lined up to come and drill my tank has not worked out so it is looking like I will have to do it myself. One of the local glass shops has offered to loan me their drill and bits that I need. My question is if I have say 3/4" bulkheads do I use a 3/4" bit or do you have to go a bit bigger to accomodate getting the bulkhead to go in? I have to drill 10 holes total for my closed loop and it just about makes my knees buckle when I think about it. If you see me advertizing for a 190g plus tank in the next couple of weeks you will know that I messed up bad!
Is your glass shop loaning you their wood hole saw bits or their diamond glass coring bits? Don't even bother if it is the diamond ones. You'll gunk up the diamond ones pretty bad trying to drill acrylic and will probably have to replace the bit afterwards!

Also, a 3/4" bulkhead needs a 1.5" hole I believe, but it is best to double check as there are 2 different sizes for 3/4" bulkheads.
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