I have decided that I really don't need a MH light above a ten gallon tank

. Therefore I am offering this setup for sale. It is a PFO Mogul pendant. It is capable of running a 400W bulb. However, the current setup is with
TWO bulbs. One is an older Aqualine 13000K bulb. The other is a brand new ARC 14000K bulb. All are 175W. The pendant and Ice cap electronic ballast were purchased in April of 2005. The ballast is guaranteed by Ice Cap for three years.
I sold the other same setup a week ago for $220.00, so I think that would be a fair price to ask for this exact same setup.
I also have a Coralife single tube Aqualight for sale. It is a 65W 24" fixture. I am including an older bulb of your choosing. Be is 10000K, or Dual, or Actinic. $35.00. -THE CORALIFE IS ON HOLD, as I am using it again.
PM's only please.

I forgot the pics, so here they are.