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Old 09-09-2005, 07:04 AM
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BCWolfen BCWolfen is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Nanaimo, BC
Posts: 253
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I caught one when he crawled into a rock that was easily removed. I took it out and basicly dug him out of the hole.

Another I caught with 2 long pieces of 3/4" PVC joined with a 90 elbow. Not glued. I was lucky as this guy came out onto the rock at night to feed.
The bottom of the L was about 12" and the longer was my handle. I waited until he came out and slowly lowered my trap toward him. He hide a bit into the rocks. I placed the opening towards him and then drop a few sinking shrimp pellets down the tube. The freshwater kind for bottom feeders. I waited to allow them to start to dissolve and then squirted bits of water into the tube from a syringe. This allowed just enough current to waft the smell out towards him yet not allow the pellets to move from the elbow.

It took quite a while, but after many starts into the tube he finally went in. I quickly turned it and pressed the open side against the glass. Voila caught crab.

Not the easiest but kinda fun. LOL
Home:160Gal. Foxface, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Coral Beauty, Lawnmower Blenny, Starwberry Dottyback, Mandarin Goby, 2 Percula Clowns, Green Brittle Star, Brown Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Cleaner Shrimp
Store: 33Gal. Green Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Peppermint Shrimp
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